Caretaking Services
Mountain Property Management offers a personalized caretaking service that includes periodic inspections of the property (typically once a week), maintenance, snow removal, cleaning, watering plants, grocery shopping, airport shuttles, bookkeeping, and other services as needed. We will cater our services to each individual owner's needs.
We have a skilled staff to handle the necessary services your property will require. We are happy to use any vendors that have knowledge of your home or we can utilize the valued relationships we have with subcontractors in plumbing, heating, electrical, etc.
Our caretaking rates are as follows: Inspections - $65.00 per visit up to 2,500 square feet; $75.00 per visit for 2,501-5,000 square feet; $85.00 per visit greater than 5,001-8,000 square feet. In addition to our caretaking services, we also have staff to perform cleaning ($45.00/hr.), maintenance ($85.00/hr.), and bookkeeping services ($100.00/mo.).
Please contact us to further discuss our services.
Our Caretakers
Allen Bonett

Auggie Ciell